Aug 26, 2008

For loVe

In the dark I dwell

I met a boy I love so well

There he tooK my hEart from Me

nOw he wAnt to set it free

Once he plAce A stranGe girl upOn his kNees

And told her thinGs he nEver tOld me

But thEn I knOw the rEason why

thE girl is pRettier than I

I went hOMe to cry on mY bed

not a single word for mY mOther i said,

my daddy came hOme late at night

and search on my bed for me frOm left to right

and on my door he sUrely brOke,

he found me hanginG oN thE rOpe

and on my desK he found

"dig my grave and dig it deep with marblestones

from head to feet

and on my top please put a dove to shOw the world

I die for lOve